Ada-Belgium Membership/Sponsorship Benefits

Since the start of the Ada-Belgium organization in the early 90s, membership/sponsorship has been per calendar year, and thus runs from the moment of registration until December 31st of the same year. Although there are benefits and services even further in the year (such as the Ada User Journal subscription, access to our mailing lists, reduced fees or even free entrance at our events, the Ada-Belgium Newsletter subscription, and free documentation and CD-ROMs), it is clear that early registration/renewal is recommended to get the most out of your membership.

Individual membership benefits

Corporate membership benefits

Note: "short announcements" are max. one page long (or equivalent for e-mail), and should provide facts and objective information.

Sponsorship benefits

Companies willing to express their interest in Ada or their support for Ada-Belgium, may become a sponsor of the organization. After Board approval, a corporate Ada-Belgium member (fee 140 EUR) can become a sponsor by either contributing work or resources to the organization, or donating material (such as computer hardware) or money (min. 280 EUR) to help us running Ada-Belgium and organizing events.

In addition to the normal individual and corporate membership benefits (see above), sponsors receive additional services:

All this offers the sponsor a much higher level of visibility among the Belgian companies using or considering to use Ada. "They can't see you if you're not there"...

Sponsors are important to help sustain and expand our activities, so we can help increase their visibility. If you're interested to sponsor Ada-Belgium, or have any questions, feel free to contact

Ada-Europe indirect membership benefits

Ada-Europe membership is included in the Ada-Belgium membership.

The Ada-Europe Board decided at its meeting of November 9, 1997, to extend the benefits package for indirect members of Ada-Europe, and has maintained and extended this package ever since. These benefits now include:

In order to provide the benefit of the reduced conference fee and to send the AUJ as well as surprise shipments, Ada-Europe needs to be able to identify its indirect members. This is only possible if Ada-Belgium conveys its list of members in time to the Ada-Europe secretariat. If we are unable to provide the complete information about all indirect members to Ada-Europe in time, the reduced registration fee and AUJ shipments will regrettably not be available to those late or missing members, nor will any future benefits that might require identification of the indirect members.

We hope you appreciate this extra benefits package that comes at no additional cost to you, and that it will convince you to register or renew your Ada-Belgium membership without delay. Just complete the Application Form, mail or fax it to the contact mentioned on the form, and pay the appropriate registration fee.

Ada-Belgium Membership Application Form

[Ada-Belgium] To the Ada-Belgium home page.

Last update: 2023/01/26.

Dirk Craeynest